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China Becomes a Major Supplier of Automobile to Kazakhstan


From January to February 2023, Kazakhstan imported nearly 5000 Chinese cars, making China the main supplier of cars to Kazakhstan.


According to data from the Kazakhstan National Bureau of Statistics, from January to February 2023, China exported 4959 cars to Kazakhstan, with an export value of 83.3 million US dollars, which is 9.6 times higher than the same period last year.

According to the news, in terms of the number of cars imported into Kazakhstan, China has surpassed Russia and Japan. In addition, Russian cars are actually rarely exported to Kazakhstan (only 4 in January), while the number of imported cars from Japan has increased by 1.7 times. In addition, the number of cars from the United States also increased by 2.6 times, the number of cars imported from South Korea increased by 3.8 times, the number of cars imported from Türkiye increased by 5.9 times, and the number of cars imported from Germany increased by 11.6 times.

Analysts pointed out that the Chinese automotive industry began expanding into the Kazakhstan market last year, with exports increasing ninefold to 12500 vehicles. If one-third of the new cars sold in Russia are produced in China, then in the Kazakhstan market, according to data from January to February 2023, approximately 14-15% of the cars already come from China.

Experts introduce that in 2022, China exported 2.5 million cars to the international market, an increase of 56.7% compared to 2021, becoming the world's second largest car exporter after Japan. As early as 2021, the number of cars exported by China had not exceeded one million. According to the expectations of automotive analysts, China will become a major global automobile exporter as early as 2023.

Analysts conclude that given the current situation, it is expected that Chinese automobile manufacturing companies will remain in the Kazakh market as major importers for a long time and will occupy an increasing market share.

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