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Buying cars from our platform : Step by step guide

ForewordRenowned international automotive brands such as Toyota, BWM, General Motors have established plants in China to manufacturer cars for years since late 20th century. Each year, millions of new cars assembled in China are loaded onto shipping containers and sent to other countries around the

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Review and Future Forecast of Global Electric Vehicle Sales in 2022

This publication has been developed in collaboration between Strategy&, PwC's global strategy consulting business, alongside PwC Autofacts’ Automotive industry and function experts. Together, we transform organizations by developing actionable strategies that deliver results.

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Ningbo Holds a Concentrated Export Ceremony for Used Cars, Sound a New Horn for Improving Quality an

On the afternoon of June 23rd, a centralized export ceremony for second-hand cars was held in Ningbo. Accompanied by the crisp sound of horns, the waiting second-hand cars left in an orderly manner and headed towards the Messi Ro Ro terminal. The second-hand cars exported this time are mainly new en

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General Administration of Customs: China's automobile exports increased by 78.9% year-on-year i

On March 7th, the General Administration of Customs released data showing that in the first two months of this year, China exported 2.03 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%, accounting for 58% of the total export value. Among them, automatic data proc

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This year in the Russian automotive market

Before the war, the Russian market was dominated by local brands and Han De Japan. Now, Chinese brands' have a future ', and their absolute sales have increased, but they are not happy to win. In 2022, the market share of Russian brands was 29.4%, Korean brands were 19.5%, Chinese brands wer

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China has become the world's second largest automobile exporter! In 2022, China's automobi

Recently, according to relevant reports, in 2022, China's automobile exports reached 3.4 million units, a year-on-year increase of 55%, surpassing Germany for the first time to become the world's second largest automobile exporter.Recently, according to relevant reports, in 2022, China's

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