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Ningbo Holds a Concentrated Export Ceremony for Used Cars, Sound a New Horn for Improving Quality an


On the afternoon of June 23rd, a centralized export ceremony for second-hand cars was held in Ningbo. Accompanied by the crisp sound of horns, the waiting second-hand cars left in an orderly manner and headed towards the Messi Ro Ro terminal. The second-hand cars exported this time are mainly new energy vehicles, which will be shipped by sea to regions such as the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.


Li Guanding, Vice Mayor of the Municipal Government, attended the event and delivered a speech. Zhou Lipei, the first level director of Ningbo Customs, Chen Lizhen, the deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Group of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, relevant municipal departments, relevant leaders of China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation Ningbo Branch, relevant leaders of the city's second-hand car export industry association, Meixi Ro Ro Terminal, and second-hand car export pilot enterprises participated.


Vice Mayor Li Guanding stated in his speech that currently, with the joint efforts of various departments and enterprises in various regions, second-hand car exports have become a viable force driving the growth of our city's foreign trade. Promoting the export of second-hand cars is not only a major means of ensuring stability and improving quality in foreign trade, but also an important way to promote China's automobile brands to go global. We hope that all relevant enterprises can fully utilize the pilot opportunities, seize the opportunities, continuously explore the international market, optimize business models, and improve after-sales services, in order to establish a good reputation for the export of second-hand cars in our city. All relevant departments should continue to provide care and support, further innovate regulatory methods, improve service efficiency, and jointly promote the sustained and healthy development of second-hand car exports.


Deputy Secretary Chen Lizhen reported on the export situation of second-hand cars in Ningbo City. Currently, with the support and assistance of various relevant departments and the joint efforts of pilot enterprises, the cumulative number and amount of second-hand cars exported by Ningbo are among the top in the country, and their achievements have been recognized and praised by the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce. In the first half of the year, our city achieved good results in the export of second-hand cars, but enterprises also face many difficulties. The government departments and pilot enterprises will further collaborate closely and continue to make efforts to make second-hand car exports a powerful growth point driving Ningbo's exports.

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